Friday, February 20, 2009

Melbourne Craziness with Charlie!

I left Tasmania sad to leave old friends but ready to move on... Ready to take on the world! I feel so happy and ready to travel on. Australia has been a great place to not only financially prepare myself, but to mentally prepare myself for the rest of my travels as well. I really feel like I am right where I should be :)

I went to Melbourne from Tasmania. I have been to Melbourne many times, but never on a proper weekend- for a city like Melbourne, you should do at least one proper weekend out if you have gone through it as often as I have. So I did. Staying and celebrating life with my friend Charlie, we went out the whole weekend, resulting in very little sleep! Charlie is a good friend from Hawaii. He is from Melbourne originally but used to live in our neighborhood back in Kailua, so it was nice to see an old familiar face!

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