BOOM! I’ve hit Athens.
And just like that, after 3 planes, 3 delays, and a glorious day in
London, I was wondering what in the world I was going to do after my passport
was stamped. It was 11pm, I had a headache from the 2 Peroni’s at lunch in
London, and I had absolutely no idea where I was going. No Euro’s in hand (had
to charge 1 Euro for an airport cart), no working sim-card providing Internet
access, who knew if the tourist desk would still be open or how to not get
ripped off getting downtown to find a hostel, or at least an internet shop
where I could see if anyone had responded to my Facebook queries of getting in
touch with someone in Athens. My Plan A
had fallen through… albeit a week prior.
But first, getting there!
My flight from Philly to Newark, NJ was 2 hours late! What?!
I could have taken the train quicker and not be cutting it so close to
my London flight! It was a no-go without removing my luggage, I surely wouldn’t
have time then to check it back in and make the flight. I would have to wait and pray my flight
didn’t get moved back any later. As it were the plane came in without further
delay, and we hopped on. All 2 of us.
Everyone else had been moved onto different flight plans. The flight attendant
sat in the back with us (where we had to sit to balance the plane) and cracked
jokes, obviously preferring working for Continental before the
Continental/United switch. I was able to
find a way for him to provide 2 beers, free of charge, to the 2 of us sitting
in the back, “easier done when we were continental” he said. “Well the plane is
2 hours late and may cause me to miss my London flight, I think customer
service would right it off.” With a
smile he handed us each a beer.
Running down the terminal I arrived at the beginning of
boarding for London. I even had time to duck in and use the lu before final
boarding was called. The ticket attendant was Filipina, naturally we spoke for
a bit, then the girl behind me was talking of backpacking in England, and all
felt right with the world again.
After a 4-hour sleep, arrival in drizzly London was an hour
late. An old friend from University in
Adelaide met me at the airport, 5 years it had been since we last saw each
other (unfortunately we forgot to get any pictures!). Picking up right where we left
off, I enjoyed a tour around Westminster. Having lunch outside near the river
with Westminster castle in sight we were not minding the trickle as we caught
up. Starting when I left Saigon I have been seeing old friends from “College
Days” at every stop. All have been
fabulous and loooong overdue. Each has
been tremendously valued and this was no different. It is interesting to see yourself in the eyes
of 5 years again and again by those who saw you best.
After a great stop-over, a bit of freshening up, it was back
to the airport. Checked in and
practically walked right onto the plane, filled with Greeks. Welcome to Greece
I heard myself saying. Slept the whole
Woke up, turned on the phone. 3G not working. Must get Greek
sim-card. “Hope they sell them at this
airport and this late I night”, I heard myself saying. Reminding myself as I collected the luggage,
“Now worries Barlow, you’ve done this countless numbers of times. You will get
to your destination and put your head down before your night is over, wherever
that may be. First things first, get your luggage, clear immigration, and see
what resources are outside and open to you in the airport.” If worse came to
worse my plan was to get in a cab, and hope he wouldn’t rip me off while he
took me, “downtown”. Which, with current economic standings, isn’t exactly a
place you want to wander too long with all your belongings. But have trust in the right people, and you
will get there without too much worry or time.
Be aware, be open, be aware.
And Her Name was Afroditi!

Afroditi had gotten that message through my friend Paula
(already instructing at the island I am going to, Paros) and took her chances.
As it were, there was only the one flight arriving at that time, so she took a
guess to go to that section of immigration and wait for the London flight.
![]() |
taken with an iPhone |
As we giggled out of the parking lot about how it all worked
out and I was still in a bit of happy shock, there were a group of 3 behind us
in the parking lot, a French woman and a Greek man were picking up a Japanese
woman from the same flight in which I had arrived. They were popping Champagne and had proper
glassware for all, including us! Sitting in the Athens Airport parking lot we
shared short biographies and laughed and learned of each others international
interests and had great fun praising Greece despite the economical crisis they
were living in. “Man!” I thought, “This
has been a great 15 min!”. And then we
were off! Afroditi was taking me to her “home” kite spot to see what was
happening for the rest of the night. On the way I learned there wasn’t 1, but 3
options of places for me to stay on couches by friends of friends. I have to
say, I LOVE the kite community!
I Haven’t Been to Athens Yet
Since then I have just been kiting East of Athens, about 40
min away from downtown, and having a marvelous time! The spot here has clear blue water, rocks on
which you walk out, then reef with sea urchins (don’t put your feet down) and
two flat islands downwind.
Not being on the water since my ankle sprain in Thailand in
March, my sea legs, and ankle, were a bit shaky. Following the advise I learned from those
experienced at this spot I stayed upwind of the islands- too well upwind. On the second I tried to land on my weak
ankle (idiot idea in front of the islands) and lost my board. A wave comes and
boom, my board and I are thrown at the island, and its rocks. Scraped up the
left leg a bit, only one deep gash, and took a nice hard hit on my tail bum,
the kind where it hurts to sit still, 3 days later. But without delay, grabbed my board, got on
it, and got out! Had no more problems, got back into the muscle memory program
for an energetic following 2 hours nailing hooked tricks and feeling my ankle
get stronger, and then tired. Had a great
first session with scenic mountains outlining borders around the see-through
water of the Mediterranean Sea.
Met local crew throughout the night, watched Greece soccer
loose to Germany and finished up a photo project for a magazine. Day 1, a success!
Day 2, thought about staying off the water for my cuts,
couldn’t. Went in for an easy and short session, “Only ½ an hour”, I told
myself and I was to be riding/trying a strapless surfboard anyway, slow moving
trying to get up, “I’m not going to be going anywhere fast if I am only in for
an easy 30 min. sesh. Boy, was I wrong! Once up and moving, and moving fast, I
wasn’t about to go in! I was having the time of my life on that board. Decided
I’d take the day off “tomorrow, to see the city” and keep on riding today. It
was a blast! My deep cut got a good washing, probably too good. “Oh well,
nothing but the city for the next few days so it will get a chance to get a
good heel” and on I rode gaining more speed upwind and carving on a few little
bumps of waves by the end, I found my footing and a new favorite!
Later that evening Afroditi and I went with her friends by
boat over to one of the flat islands and camped. Looking up at Scorpion, The
Big Dipper, and shooting stars, we could view the lights of Athen’s beach suburbs
surrounding us, and the thought, “life doesn’t get much better then this”
crossed my mind. Of course so did the
faces of my nieces, nephews, and the family I do miss dearly. I wish you were all her to see!
The Plan
Today is the next day; I am to spend it in the city. It is
3.30, I’m now finishing my blog, and then off I am for my first evening in
Athens! With my cut and beaten left leg, adding in my tailbone and the sore abs
from yesterday’s strapless learning experience, Afroditi’s couch looks pretty
good right now. But I won’t! I will make
it out- Athens here I come! J
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