When I first arrived to Boracay I did not like it very much. I mean we have all heard the phrase "tourist trap" before, but I have never seen a place that exhibits this saying so well! I thought it gross when I first arrived. There were sooo many people, and the beach wasn't a relaxing place to get away, albeit it was quite beautiful, but it was like a mini-town on the beach. There were stores for clothes, stores for food, pharmacies, restaurants, cafe's, fast-food, dive shops galore, with beach pubs and clubs, it was all there... wall-to-wall. Look out over the ocean and you see hundreds of tiny sail boats dotting the horizon taking people for sails, jet ski's are zoomin around everywhere, speedboats with big banana looking rafts attached to the back of them carrying 10 people bouncing around at a time, day time snorkelers and ocean goers. Look behind you and all you see are the many shops. It is like a mall on the beach and finding an exit sometimes can be hard. I thought to myself, "I really don't like this place".
When I first arrived I was with four guys. Three of which were going there for a vacation for 5 days. They were Europeans studying in Taiwan. The fourth guy was from Indonesia, and since I had just come from there i was so excited to talk with him and practice my newly acquired Indonesia skills. We all met at our hostel in Manila and after touring Manila for a day, we booked our tickets to Boracay together. The following day we made the journey and landed ourselves in the hot spot of the Philippines!
Despite all the craziness around, I must say it was a beautiful island!

Let me tell you, it is harder than it looks. That being said, it wasn't that hard and the reward has
But then it happened, I was walking down the sunny street one day, after having a killer session on the water, minding my own business when I ran into my friend Katherin. She couldn't believe I was still going to leave after only a month there. And with the mere suggestion from her that I should stay another month and go to Vietnam with a bunch of the other girls for a kiting competition at the end of Jan. and then travel South East Asia from there, my fate was sealed. It took me less than a minute to concede and admit that once again, I was putting off Thailand. Thailand is starting to feel like a fabled dream now. I swear I have been trying to make it there since Aug. 08. It just keeps being put off for new adventures, what can I say? A part of me thinks my fate is just waiting for my cousin Christine to finally get the vacation time off work she deserves so she can finally come with me to Thailand, the way we planned once years ago.
So hear I was now, looking for a place to live. Since I knew I would be there for more than another month I thought it was high time to move out of the hostel I had been in for the last 3 weeks. I ended up moving in with a girl named Lina who was from Lithuania. The house was a total beach house, non-stop sand everywhere on the cold concrete fl
Right before Christmas my instructor, Kleng, invited me to his house for a real Filipino family party, his Aunt's Birthday. That was an awesome experience in which I ate a chicken foot, a pig's
The kiting continued and I learned how to 'pop', jump big using the board basically. The first time I did this, I did not land it all. But it was a huge adrenalin rush! I noticed when I got back on the board I was shaking so much, all I could do was just steer the kite. I had the biggest smile on my face! After about 20 min. I began practicing them. Now my fate was really sealed, I knew I was addicted to this sport. I am beginning to think all my travel plans just changed... But who knows? Don't hold me to anything!
By the time I left Boracay I was doing back rolls (a 360 turning backwards) on each side and landing them. I hated to leave Boracay! It is the first place I have actually cried over, and I cried a lot that first day sitting alone on a bus for 7 hours. Let me tell you, for a place I didn't like very much upon arrival, it was a terrible place to leave 2 months later! First of all let me set the sce
Then, up and down Bulabog Beach there are about 10 kite schools. Most schools have a bar for lunch and substance through out the day in the back, and friendly helpful beach boys in the front, on the beach. The beach boys at the school I was at were the best (everyone is "at" some school, even if you are not taking lessons it is where you would store your equipment and have people available to you on the beach for when you need assistance or break your equipment or whatever)! I have to thank the beach
Then the Bulabog community is filled with people who come here from all over the world to spend their vacation, 2 weeks, a month, 3 months, kiting. Some have relocated here permanently and others come back every year. Plus there are the Filipino's around who are
Then it is night time! And more excitement begins. Boracay is a party island with tons of lights up and down White Beach on the other side of the island from Bulabog. It is where I described the "mall like atmosphere" during the day. At night it is like the main strip in any major city filled with lights and places to go out to. Most nights there are fireworks somewhere on the beach as well! And in a place where the rum is cheaper than the coke, it is easy to get drunk. Most nights we had at least a few drinks after dinner. Then there were always those unexpected nights where the vibe was just right and you would run into other groups of friends after dinner and before you k new it you had an equation for a good night out on the town. But with getting up early for kiting, there were times with little sleep. And white beach could hardly be avoided. It is usually where you went for dinner as it is where most of the cafe's and restaurants were. There were some nights where we cooked at home, but even then we would have a group of people (the usual group we had dinner with) over and be drinking wine. Most nights Serkan (Turkey) cooked for us all. One night he
I am so glad I stayed the extra month. Besides learning tons about the sport I am now in love with, made so many good friends! I had relationships and memories I could never forget. Boracay is a wonderful place and I want to go back! It took me half an hour to leave the island once I was at the Jetty Pier and I was fighting back the tears, unsuccessfully though.
After I left the island I caught a bus to a town named Antique. Here I visited a friend I met in Johor Bahru last Arpril, a girl named Jenny. If you remember she is the one I helped "smuggle" into Singapore with the use of my American Citizenship. I met her family and stayed the night with them. It was cool to see another place in the Philippines besides Boracay. Boracay is not what I would call representative of Filipino culture. She had prepared a big feast for me that night and the next day she, her cousins, niece, and brother and sister-in-law went to a waterfall. There the boys cooked the fish we brought on sticks over a fire they made in the rocks. We had a wonderful lunch there and we ate on banana leafs and made ourselves chopsticks to eat with from the branch of the banana trees. It was a pretty rad and great last day in the Philippines. That night I flew first to Manila where I met up with 12 others from Boracay, then we flew to Vietnam!
A few words on Manila, (it is a crazy city!), and the philippines in general. 14 million people and another 7 million people who are homeless, live in Manila. It is absolutely huge, bigger than L.A. and there is not much to do. Most bars and clubs are "men's clubs" filled with ladies to drink with and pay for the pleasure of their company. There are a few normal bars as well though. The food in the Philippines is not that good generally, but served with love. The people are a friendly as they come and most of the scenery is amazing. The Filipino's are mostly very Catholic. One thing I found absolutely amazing when I learned it was, the Filipino's actually crucifix people at Easter to celebrate. These people are taken off the cross before they die, but still as a way of showing their love for God, they act out the whole "Station's of the Cross" as Jesus and they get nailed to a cross! After the show is over they are taken down and their wombs are treated. How amazing!
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