After Melbourne I flew to Brisbane to finish up paperwork at the head office

and to see some old friends. I ended up staying with my friend Lena, whom I had worked with for a few weeks when I first started my photography job. As many of you may be aware, I love to inspire travel in others. Not often does it happen that someone jumps on my gang wagon though, but here, I was successful! Lena and her husband Peter decided to drive me up the coast to N

oosa and take a mini vacation themselves. We had a fabulous 2 days there.
We went on 2 different hikes and took a tour of the beaches :) Noosa was a beautiful beach, but a bit to touristy and "marked up" for me. It did however remind me of some more built up, yet still small touristy

beach areas in the Carolinas. It was a quick two days as time flies by when your having fun! P.S. Did I mention how
beautiful the sunsets were?

More Pictures can be found at
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