Happy New Years Everybody! I had the most amazing New Years!! Definitely the best yet. Two days after Christmas, my fri

ends Mic, Brian, and Viktoria and I rented a camper van and took a road trip up the north west coast. We started the trip off going to a friends house a few hours away and having a party there. There were only about 10 of us, but with these 10, that's all you need for good laughs and a fun time! The next day we all went to the beach, where it was so windy that we had to set up camp on the pier to escape the painful pelting of sand.

The next day we left our friends place and drove up north about 1000 km's before deciding to camp. It was along this drive I saw the most awesome sunset. We saw it from 2 different places and in between the colors had changed so much! It was soooo beautiful. The road trip was off to a good start and we had covered

lots of ground this first major day of

driving. So around 9:30 we pulled over and set up camp next to a beach on the side of the road. It was a good spot. We had a few drinks and went to bed.
The next day we drove up to our final destination, stopping first at Coral Bay for a

n afternoon at the beach. This beach was so beautiful. There is nothing for miles and miles in between each

place to stop. Sometimes you worry about whether you have enough fuel. The road is just mile after mile of straight road with red, dry, dirt on either side. So when we got to the beach, with water, it was very refreshing, even to see. But getting in the water and getting rid of the heat of the day was fantastic.
We left there that evening and drove to our final destination, Exmouth. This place turned out to be crap, with no good camping places near the beach. It was the night of the 30th and it is where we had planned to spend New Years. But when we got there and saw what it was like, we changed our minds and drove back down to Coral Bay, where we had spent the afternoon.
Because it was the 30th, the place was packed and we couldn't get a camping place, so we drove back out to the road and away from town about 20 km's to make sure we didn't get a ticket.


spent the night in the middle of the road! I am quite serious, it was the middle and no cars came for hours. It was so surreal and with no city lights of any kind around, the stars looked amazing! Whenever a car did come, we had about 20 minutes warning to move. The road was so straight that we could see the cars' lights 20 min before

it got to us. We goofed around in the road for a while, basically because we could. We stayed up all night pretty much, goofing around and tossing back a few.

The next morning we went back to Coral Bay. We still couldn't get a spot for New Years Eve,

but decided to just park the van and spend it on the beach. We would accept the fine they gave us the next morning, but we weren't going anywhere! Besides $100 split 4 ways isn't that much. We got on the beach at about 11AM and stayed there until about 5:30AM the next morning, leaving

only once for water and warmer clothes when the sunset. The colors at this beach were absolutely fantastic! There were high white sand dunes, red rocks and cliffy shoreline, tall green beach grass (but not to much), and the water was this vivid blue color and so so clear! Sunset was incredible as well. A great last

sunset for 2008! We played in the dunes, surfing down the dunes on our boogie board, we also got fishing poles and fished all day. We didn't catch anything. The rest of the time we spent just splashing and lounging in the surf.

We had the best time, the four of us. We managed to find our own little piece of beach where no one else really came. A few people walked past all day, but that was it. We weren't even sure when it was midnight, so we made it up and had a little countdown. We beat the people who give the fines out by half an hour that morning and ended up not even getting fined!! Wahoo!! We

spent the night on the beach and had our first showers of the trip the next morning at 6AM. A great way to start the New Year, wake up on the beach, watching the sun come up, then having a very refreshing outdoor shower!! I loved it :) This pic is of us right before we showered.
Then we started the very hot ride back to Perth. We spent 2 days doing it, stopping again at our friends house the night before returning to Perth. We stopped at many beaches along the way, but were unable to spend much time at any as we had to get back. Plus we were all feeling the effects of over exposure of the sun. We did stop at one beach that had no sand at all, only shells... millions and millions of little shells! It was a truly fantastic trip with memories that will last me a lifetime!

More pictures from this wonderful trip can be found at
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