As I sit here waiting for my ipod to be done with the transfer, and Picasa to finish uploading some photos to the web, I am looking at my 2600 cubic inches of back packing space thinking, "What the @*^$ am I doing?"!! I mean come on, really, my closet for the next year, my medicine cabinet/first aid, and every belonging I have access to are contained in this small, yet undeniably important space. Who does this?
The answer is that many do this and so can I. It has been something I have wanted to do for the last 4 years. So now the question becomes, why do I feel the way I do? A mixture of scared and sad feelings overcame me tonight, the excitement has yet to kick in. All though for me, that typically comes right before the plane lands, as I can't wait to see what my new destination looks like. I think the slight fear I feel comes from the unknown. I realize that many people vagabond and I share their enthusiasm for it. However, these people probably feed off of the idea of unknown plans. I think I will once I get used to having only my 2600 cubic inches and a map to live with, but not quite yet. Don't get me wrong, I would not cancel this trip for anything and am happy to be going.
As far as the slight sadness is concerned, well you would be to if you were leaving the most adorable, next generation of your family. I have never actually been away from home for the anticipated time that I will be gone for this trip. It was a surprise to me, when saying good-bye to you all, how much I already missed you (and I probably cried a bit). I know this is the experience of a lifetime and even though I will miss waking up and seeing Erin and Colin, or having Julia and Owen so close that I can see them often, I will be walking a new path in life and will hopefully have many stories to share. P.S. to Owen, Erin, Julia, and Colin's (plus the unnamed one to come) parents', I will miss you just as much as your kids :) And to mom and dad, thank you for all you have done to get me to this point! And a big shout-out to all my friends who have supported me with unwaivering generosity and words of wisdom, I WILL MISS YOU ALL!
peace and love,